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7 Most Likely Reasons Why Meditation is not Working For You

Jan 20, 2021

7 Most Likely Reasons Why Meditation is not Working For You

When I was young - probably pre teen - my mom was exploring her own spirituality and would bring me to these meditation events. I ALWAYS fell asleep. I really didn't get why meditation was so great. It didn't do a thing for me!

Because of that experience, I was a late adopter to meditation. Even when I began my own journey into Law of Attraction, Abraham Hicks books, exploring the Power of Now with Eckert Tolle and more, I resisted meditation.

Then I learned that meditation is really just an opportunity to quiet your mind. It's nothing more complex than that.

I have used apps and followed processes over the years, looking for the meditation technique that works best for me. At the end of this article I'll share what I have found to be most effective...but if you are reading this article, then you may be struggling to get meditation to work for you at all, as I did when I was younger.

So here are some reasons it may NOT be working:

1. Your inner voice won't Shut the F UP! It's overly active worrying, wondering, processing, problem solving. First of all this is OK! Meditation is about quieting the mind, and this takes practice. Whenever you see a thought coming in just allow it (don't resist!) and then send it on its way. The most persistent thoughts are those that don't get acknowledged (think of a little kid poking you in the arm until you reply to them).

**If you just can't get your mind to quiet try this: Write in a free flowing stream of consciousness for 5-20 minutes (the closer to 20 you can get the better but I know we're all super busy) before you meditate. Now your brain feels heard and won't bug you so much!

2. You are not creating a routine. Just like any habit, it becomes easier with time. If it's challenging for you to quiet your mind don't quit! Keep at it in a regular routine. I recommend daily for 15 minutes to start for beginners.

3. My challenge in the past - falling asleep! This could be because of posture. Sit up straight, feet flat on floor, palms facing up on your knees. If you prefer to meditate on the floor this works well too but again, sit with back straight using a pillow to prop up your butt if you need the back support.

4. Aches and pains. Depending on how lose and limber you are plus any injuries you may be dealing with, the pains can hinder your ability to sit still. Start with shorter sessions to help aleviate this. In addition, use pillows to prop up areas that may get sore from holding the position. When I meditate I have a pillow under both arms, one under my neck and one behind my lower back. I look like I'm in a pillow throne! But it keeps me in position without pain and I'm happy to have the support!

5. Boredom. If you are feeling bored it could be you resisting going inward and quieting your thoughts. Using music or sound that your brain can hold attention to can help this. Shorter sessions can assist as well. Keep in mind it is your discomfort with stillness that may be the issue. And this is something that you can transform with practice. Breathe through the boredom and it will pass.

6. Finding Time. There is a saying that if you don't have time to meditate for 20 minutes then you need 2 hours of meditation STAT! LOL For someone that doesn't meditate this sounds utterly ridiculous. But actually it makes sense. Meditation helps center, calm and bring peace to your inner self. If you don't have 20 minutes to do this daily then you are probably needing it much more than most. Always on the go - never a chance to rest - skipping on the self care - To Do List a mile long - being pulled in several directions at once - overstimulated stressed out and over worked. Do these sound like you? People with too much to do and too much on their mind have no time to meditate! But they are the ones that need it most!

7. Expecting vastly prolific insights and messages from beyond. You may get some surprising insights about yourself or issues you are struggling with during a session. Also, you may not. Meditation is not about FINDING it is about ALLOWING. Start allowing and you'll find a lot more than you bargained for.

As promised, here is something that helps me:

Insight Timer App.

You probably have it on your phone it comes standard on many. But you are also probably not using it. I use the timer itself which gives me soothing music to keep my attention and a bell to tell me how long I have been going or how much time I have left (you can set them custom). The bell helps me know where I am in the vast nothing and timelessness that meditation can remind me of. Also I will sometimes break up a session with something like: First 3 minutes, focusing on a challenge or answer I seek; Middle 10 minutes, clearing my mind and centering; Last 2 minutes, giving gratitude for all that I have. Insight Timer App also has lots of great guided meditations.

My favorite one currently is Manifest Your Unlimited Potential by Mark Guay.

Which of these most resonated with you? I'd love to hear what you have learned about how to surrender to the power of meditation.

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